Friday, November 12, 2010

Shaping & Drafting

         Reading the excerpts from the homework assignment out of How to Write anything, I picked up some very helpful hints for writing. For instance, in the thesis section there is a chart on what kind of thesis you should use when writing a specific type of document. For example, a Literary analysis thesis explains the point of the analysis, and a narrative is usually implied or not stated. In high school I had always learned that a thesis should always be at the beggining of a paper and shoud be implied. I never knew that there were so many kinds of thesis'. This will deffinatley be a huge help.

          I also learned that when makig a title it should be catchy byt not obnoxious. You want it to grab the audiences attention, but also be to the point and tell them what they are about to read. It should also be able to be easily searchable; which I had never thought about before. These few reading helped with alot of tips for qriting a good paper.

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