Monday, November 29, 2010


Our classes latest assignment was to read pages 102 to 118 in How to Write Anything. I have learned that to evaluate something is to create and define a criteria. Using criteria you write your opinion using facts, examples, ext. for evidence to support your opinion. When writing a review, or evaluation, use your words wisely. I learned you want to make sure you stay on one topic and one opinion as not to confuse your reader. They are reading your review because they want your opinion, not to read what everyone wants to hear, or both sides. You also want to keep what  kind of audience will be reading this in mind. If it is a broad subject, you will want to add more explanation to things. Evalutaing something is only your opinion, it is not right or wrong.

This helped alot with hints for te upcoming essay my class will be writing. We will need to be evaluating a movie, and this will help me correctly be able to do this.

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