Friday, December 3, 2010

Devil Wears Prada.

I missed the class where we watched a ten minute clip of the Devil Wears Prada. However, I have seen it before. I thought the whole movie was really boring. It a her actually sressed me out because I was getting so aggervated on how the main girl was acting, I forget her name. I know people who absolutley loved the movie, and I don not understand how. It was dull and annoying. I've only seen it once, and would like to keep it that way.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Our classes latest assignment was to read pages 102 to 118 in How to Write Anything. I have learned that to evaluate something is to create and define a criteria. Using criteria you write your opinion using facts, examples, ext. for evidence to support your opinion. When writing a review, or evaluation, use your words wisely. I learned you want to make sure you stay on one topic and one opinion as not to confuse your reader. They are reading your review because they want your opinion, not to read what everyone wants to hear, or both sides. You also want to keep what  kind of audience will be reading this in mind. If it is a broad subject, you will want to add more explanation to things. Evalutaing something is only your opinion, it is not right or wrong.

This helped alot with hints for te upcoming essay my class will be writing. We will need to be evaluating a movie, and this will help me correctly be able to do this.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Shaping & Drafting

         Reading the excerpts from the homework assignment out of How to Write anything, I picked up some very helpful hints for writing. For instance, in the thesis section there is a chart on what kind of thesis you should use when writing a specific type of document. For example, a Literary analysis thesis explains the point of the analysis, and a narrative is usually implied or not stated. In high school I had always learned that a thesis should always be at the beggining of a paper and shoud be implied. I never knew that there were so many kinds of thesis'. This will deffinatley be a huge help.

          I also learned that when makig a title it should be catchy byt not obnoxious. You want it to grab the audiences attention, but also be to the point and tell them what they are about to read. It should also be able to be easily searchable; which I had never thought about before. These few reading helped with alot of tips for qriting a good paper.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rhetorical Analysis

 Reading about rhetorical Analysis' from our book "How To Write Anything" taught me about rhetoric and rhetorical analysis. Before this, I didn't know what a rhetorical analysis really was before this reading. I have learned that when you analyze a paticular advertisement or speech, and speak about how you feel about it, that you are rhetorically analyzing. You must be able to take everything seriously, and strongly be able to back up what you think. This is a great skill to know, especially for our next project.

Lab report

Researching how to write a lab report did not teach me as much as I learned from other students presentations. I took so many science classes in high school, that I am very experienced with how to write a lab report. It was good to go over however, because it has been a while since I have had to write one. The other presentatoins the class gave about how to write different kinds of papers actually taught me alot. Exspecially the one about e-maiols and business papers.