Friday, September 24, 2010

Example Essay Reaction

I am focuing in the first one, the kid from band. I liked how his project all tied together, including the music that he chose because of his teacher. It helped me consider different approaches to my project. Also, it showed how the basic set up should be. I thought that his choice of color and text was good too because it went along with thte theme of his school. Watching all the videos made it easier for me to figure out how I am going to set up my Essay #1.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Essay 1 Idea

For my visual essay I will be going through the process of an art project. The project I am showing is actually a painting of myself. I will begin with pictures of the experimental proccess of choosing the picture I want to paint. Then I will show the proccess of mistakes a redoing things, and remmixing colors. My point I am trying to get across is all the effort that can go into a simple painting to make sure the "idea" in the photo is read clearly by the audience.