Friday, October 15, 2010


The readings for the homework helped me out with some great tips for revising. Revising is very importnant for writing an A paper. You never no if there is something you missed or messed up on unless you go back and check. I already knew most of the advising tips, but even going over them helped me remember good ways to check my work. I always revise after I write the whole paper because if I do it piece by piece because I will get off track and confuse myself with where I was going. I do find it hard however to revise my work to its full potential and usually have someone else help me with the process.

Friday, October 8, 2010

A Twisted World

I thought ths excerpt was very humorous and interesting. The way the author portrayed celbraties was funny and interesting to read. it kept my attention the whole time. I also agree with the perspecitive that america would be screwed if famous people started to run our government. I thought it was interesting that the whole subject was wrapped up in the end with the statement, "Clearly, thins could be worse," because I did not know what the point of the excerpt was, I just enjoyed reading it.